Ashlea Hickin
Media Studies
During editing, we split the opening into thirds so that we each got a chance to experiment with different editing techniques. We found that this worked best as it allowed all of us to contribute in different ways. Bernadette did the first part which featured Jess and Lucy, I did the first half of the montage and Ryan did the end section. Although these were our chosen sections, we still had input and our own ideas about each other's sections. I found this very useful because hearing other people's opinions made you think about things differently. We feel that on a whole, we worked well as a team at this stage as we managed our time carefully and followed out original plan as much as possible. The most enjoyable part of the editing for me was adding the sound effects and score as I felt that this is what brought our opening to life and made it feel more professional. The most challenging part about editing was adding different transitions between shots, especially the glitches as flashes as it took us a while to learn how to do it and where to get the effects from. However, despite the challenges we had during editing, I learnt a variety of new editing techniques as well as building upon my teamwork skills. Below are photos of us editing our rough cut: