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Our Discussion -


Once we had decided on our theme, we were able to start constructing our storyboard.

A storyboard is a chronological sequence of images that show each shot of a film. They are used to show what the finished product will look like as well as what the different shots should look like during filming. A storyboard is important as it allows you to check that everything flows smoothly and that it won't be confusing for the audience. The storyboard also tells you what is happening in the shot, what camera angle it is and how long the shot should last.


To the right is an image of our storyboard showing our sequence of shots, the length of shots, the characters, setting and their dialogue. Each member of our group contributed to the storyboard as we felt that having everything drawn out made it easier for us to understand what was happening in each shot. It also allowed us to be certain that we had placed everything in the correct order so that it flowed nicely.


After constructing our storyboard, we talked over all of our ideas and plans as a group. We discussed our setting, who would play each role, organised our props and planned out how much time we would take for filming and editing. We found this very useful as a group because it meant we were all clear on what we would be doing and what we needed to bring on the day. We also found it very useful to have a recording of this discussion as it meant we could refer back to it if necessary. To the right is a voice recording of our discussion.


The first thing that we did as a group was to brainstorm the different ideas that we had. We talked about things such as the plot and what our two lines of dialogue would be. To the right is an image of our planning.


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