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After roughly outlining our initial ideas as a group, we put them into a storyboard. This allowed us to clearly see the order of each shot and helped us to better organise our ideas. Visually, it also helped because it allowed us to get an idea of what the shot would look like. In each frame, we included the following details:

  • What is happening

  • Camerawork

  • Type of lighting

  • Sounds

  • Length of shots

We decided to include timings on each frame so that we could keep track of how much time we had used in order to reach our 2 minute target. We have written them as a guideline, allowing room for adjustments if a shot takes longer than we initially expected. We have 33 frames on our storyboard in total which can be viewed individually to the left.

We wanted to get feedback on our story board to ensure that we were still appealing to our target audience. Ryan took control of this and asked members of our class for their opinions. Generally, we had positive feedback however, it was suggested that by having the title at the end and ending on a black screen, this could make it seem like more of a trailer than a film opening. We are not going to alter our storyboard as a result of the feedback but we will keep this in mind during the editing process of our opening. 


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