Ashlea Hickin
Media Studies
Once we had a greater understanding of the conventions of the horror/ apocalyptic genre, we were able to discuss our ideas for our plot. This can be seen in the image to the right. At this point, we mainly focussed on planning out the events that we thought would have the most effect on our audience. We also included some camera shots that we wanted to use and some details about the score. We choose to write it out rather than record a discussion because we thought it would be useful to refer back to it if we need to.
These are our very first ideas so as we get further into planning, some aspects such as the order of the montage may change if we decide it will be more effective in a different order. Some ideas for setting may change as well if one is unavailable to us. However, from this we can start to plan how many actors we need and the sorts of props we will need too.