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Below is our final rough cut. Overall, we were really happy with how the shots turned out as they are of a high quality and flow well. In our rough cut, we focussed mainly on putting the shots in order and adding the credits. We also had to opportunity to experiment with different transitions and editing techniques with the intension of making our audience feel more disorientated and uncomfortable. We are aware that there are some aspects missing such as the recording overlay on the hand held shots of the girls which feature on our storyboard, however we wanted our rough cut to be a basic outline of the opening. We are also aware that it is slightly shorter than it should be so we will lengthen it in the next stage of editing. We were then able to use this to collect our audience feedback, to see what our audience thought would improve our opening.  

Once we had collected our audience feedback, we decided to make a second rough cut to add in some of the ideas and improvements that we had gained from out audience feedback. This enabled us to see the how the improvements had benefitted our opening and also meant that we could ask for further opinions and ideas in order to make our final cut as professional as possible. Our second rough cut is shown below:

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